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Askews Carpets and Bed Centre

Askews Carpets and Bed Centre

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Local Crime Data

Jul 2024



Previous Year





Jul 2024



Jan-Jul 2024

In July 2024, the number of reported crimes fell by 8.3% when compared to the previous month. However, when looking at the number of crimes reported year to date this had risen by 3.6%, when compared to the same time period in 2023.

The most commonly occurring crime in July 2024 was "Violence and sexual offences" with 18 reports. This is up by 1 (5.9%) compared to the previous month. For the year to date this is up by 11 (11.7%) compared to the same time in 2023.

Local Food Hygiene Ratings

5 stars
67 (79.8%)
4 stars
11 (13.1%)
3 stars
4 (4.8%)
2 stars
1 (1.2%)
1 star
1 (1.2%)
0 stars
0 (0.0%)

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