This article was published on August 13, 2010 and information contained within may now be out of date.
First Contact has launched their website to support older people in the area by giving them just one contact point to help access services which they may not have been aware of or may not have known how to set in motion.
First Contact Online aims to provide information and advice to help older people maintain their independent living based on a range of subjects including fire safety, living with long term conditions and end of life.
The website now enables older people, their families and carers to refer into the First Contact scheme online rather than having to fill out a paper checklist. First Contact includes brings together organisations, such as Lincolnshire County Council, Fire and Rescue, health services and Age UK (formerly Age Concern).
Councillor Graham Marsh, Executive Councillor for Adult Social Care for Lincolnshire County Council, said: “This is another step in the right direction for this successful scheme which is making such a difference for vulnerable, older people. The online initiative will provide high quality information on a range of subjects and provide an easy-to-use alternative way for people to access services. It will also provide details of lunch clubs, social groups, activities in local areas and give a list of useful contacts.”
First Contact has already received over 3,000 referrals since its’ launch and over 9,000 referals to organisations that can help, with over 80% of referrals leading to provision of at least one service.
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