Press Releases

As a community website we thrive on the input of the wider community and welcome all different types of articles from Spilsby and the wider geographical area. If you have some local news please feel free to submit it. We will review it and, if it is suitable, we will add the article to the site.

However, we realise that you some may have relevant news but not the confidence to put together an article. If you have some news that you think local people would be interested in, but you do not know how to go about writing an article, please contact us giving brief details of your news as well as details for how we can contact you if we need more information.

Alternatively, if you would like to send us a press release, please use the form at the bottom of this page. This should be used for press enquiries and releases only. To contact us for any other reason please use our contact form.

What is “News”?

Our definition of news is information that tells the local population something they were not aware of and may be interested in.  This is a very broad definition of news because we are able to take a wider view of our community.

We do not have the same overheads as traditional print media and are able to provide your message to our readership without issues relating to funding, space or other overheads.  This means we can publish articles on any number of subjects and interests, so long as they are local or are likely to have a local impact.

The other advantage is we can get an article up and published online very quickly – we do not have publication dates or deadlines to hit.

How and where does my article get published?

Our articles remain on the Spilsby Online website.  However, we post extracts and headlines to the social media websites Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.  Links to the articles are also provided to Google for inclusion in their search engine to ensure they can always be found online.

Can you send someone to cover my event or news?

Spilsby Online is a community website that enables users to submit their own news articles.  We do not have the capacity to cover everything around the area but allow for anyone to publish their news articles on the site.

That said, we do try to ensure that every large scale event is covered by a member of our editorial team, where possible.

Why doesn’t Spilsby Online have a news article on…

Spilsby Online is a community website that enables users to submit their own news articles – members of the community should submit their news articles as we do not have the capacity to cover everything.  Community news is for the community, written by the community.

How to submit a press release or news of my own for publication?

Spilsby Online accept news articles and press releases relating to the local area. We aim to publish as many as possible. You do not have to complete any registration in order to submit a press release or news article.

If you wish to submit a traditional press release, please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit your documents. We prefer documents in either PDF or Microsoft Word format, and photographs/images in either .JPG or .PNG.

Alternatively, if you do not have a traditional-style press release but would like to submit some local news about your business, group, club or organisation please fill out our submit local news form. You do not have to write the article yourself, unless you would like to, but we require all relevant information before we can publish your news.

Please be aware that the Site Editor’s decision regarding the publication of articles is final.

Submit a press release

    Please enter your full name.

    If you are representing an organisation or a business please tell us their name.

    In case we need to contact you.

    Please upload your press release and any associated documents and/or photographs using this section of the form. Individual file maximum size is 2mb.

    Any other information or notes we may need to know.

    If have a related website, or you have details or other information on a website, please include the address here.