This article was published on October 28, 2021 and information contained within may now be out of date.
Plans for up to 600 new houses and a new doctors’ surgery in Spilsby look set to be approved at a meeting of East Lindsey District Council’s planning committee next week.
The District’s Planning committee is being recommended to approve Gin Property’s proposals for the 35-hectare development between Halton Road and Ashby Road. The development, named Spila Fields, is included in the District Council’s Local Plan for housing development.
In its report, the Council stated that “Although at present there are still issues requiring further consideration, the development of the site is important for enabling delivery of a much needed new doctors surgery in the town.”
The proposal has been backed by Spilsby Town Council, with only one Councillor objecting to the scale of the development. However, Fenside Parish Council (Halton Holegate) objected to the plans as they stated it “will overwhelm the town and put pressure on infrastructure without clear mitigation being evident”.
Other concerns were raised by local Councils and 29 letters of representation were received from local residents which included concerns around the size of the development, loss of natural environment, flooding risks, the capacity of the local drainage systems, and the effect on local schools.
The Planning Officer’s report concluded that “the principle development is therefore considered acceptable and there are no technical obstacles to development that cannot be addressed by planning condition” and that “to give on-going confidence to the business case for the delivery of the surgery, given the enabling role of this application, committee support for the principle of development and continuation of discussions is requested”.
Whilst the application has been recommended for approval by planning officers the council’s planning committee will have the final say on the plans on Thursday 4th November from 10:15 am at the Council’s headquarters in Tedder Hall, Manby Park, near Louth.
More information on the Planning Committee meeting can be found on the East Lindsey District Council website, and the full plan is available on the Council’s Planning Portal.
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